Categories: Pediatric Dentist

Preventive Procedures in Pediatric Dentistry

Just like adults, children need preventive dental care — that is where pediatric dentistry comes in. Many parents believe that their child's teeth are healthy simply because their child is young. The truth is that oral health issues are as prevalent in kids as much as adults. Since they love sugary treats, the risk of developing cavities is even higher. The better option is to take measures to limit the occurrence of dental issues.

Preventive pediatric dentistry procedures

Here are some of the more common preventive pediatric dentistry treatments:

Dental sealants

Dental sealants are clear, plastic-like materials that the dentist applies over the teeth. Tooth sealants are applied over the biting surfaces of teeth to prevent cavities from forming and worsening. Sealants are a great idea for patients whose teeth have deep grooves because they are often harder to clean properly.

The sealant will set in about two minutes for each tooth after application. After hardening, the child can eat without the food touching the teeth. This strong barrier reduces the risk of cavities in children. If the sealant gets compromised and plaque forms, the risk of developing cavities increases significantly.

Topical fluoride treatments

Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, reducing the risk of tooth decay. This mineral is often added to public water sources and is available in many toothpaste brands. However, topically applying fluoride during routine dental checkups can provide additional protection for individuals of all ages. Topical fluoride treatments stay on the tooth longer than regular toothpaste.

When a baby tooth has minor decay, a pediatric dentistry professional may prescribe a silver diamine fluoride treatment. This substance kills the bacteria in the area that causes cavities and prevents the decay from worsening into a deep cavity. Silver diamine fluoride, along with good at-home oral hygiene, can prevent serious cavities from developing.

Dental cleanings

Every child should get their teeth cleaned professionally at least twice a year. The dentist will remove plaque and tartar during this cleaning using specialized tools. Plaque is difficult to clean while flossing and brushing at home. Plaque will probably get trapped between the teeth. This routine dental cleaning helps reduce the risk of cavities.

Space maintainers

Space maintainers are custom dental devices made of plastic or metal that fill in gaps in the teeth. These maintainers are tailored to fit the child's mouth perfectly. If a tooth is missing, the space maintainer prevents the surrounding area from closing up. Space maintainers are small and easy to use. The child will typically get used to wearing the space maintainer within a few days.

It prevents the remaining teeth from shifting until the permanent teeth come in. This technique is cost-effective and practical compared to realigning teeth with orthodontic treatment later on.

Mouth guards

Most pediatric dentists recommend that children wear mouthguards especially if they engage in physical activities. The dental office can make these protective devices to fit the child's mouth. These guards are worn during sports activities to protect the teeth and gums from impact.

Oral health education

Parents should set an example of good oral hygiene at home. When parents prioritize preventive oral care, children will also understand its importance and value it more. Consequently, they will learn how to take good take care of their teeth, developing habits that will last a lifetime.

It helps when parents brush their own teeth together with their children. It is a chance to connect and teach them how to brush their teeth, as well as techniques for good dental hygiene. Young children may have trouble brushing on their own. Parents might need to help them brush their teeth till they can do it properly themselves.

Most people neglect flossing, especially with young children. Parents should help their kids understand the importance of flossing regularly and insist they floss at least one time a day for the best preventive effect. They might have to help their child floss the first few times.

Sugary foods can also cause cavities. Consuming these types of food can cause deficiencies in vitamins and minerals essential for dental health.

In summary

The first step toward good oral health is proper at-home dental care for your child. These preventive care options may also decrease the risk of tooth decay and other oral conditions that can be treated in pediatric dentistry. Establishing good oral hygiene habits is possible through regular preventative care and treatments by a pediatric dentist. For details about children's dental care and to set up a visit, contact our pediatric dentistry office today.

Request an appointment here: or call Precision Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry at (703) 391-8800 for an appointment in our Reston office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Pediatric Dentist in Reston, VA.

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