Frequently Asked Questions
How should I take care of my filling?
Taking good care of fillings can help them last longer. A crucial part of
maintaining fillings is brushing twice each day and flossing. We also recommend
that parents limit their children’s intake of sugary foods and hard, crunchy
foods that can damage or break fillings.
What is tooth enamel and why is it important?
The tooth enamel is the
protective outer layer of the tooth. Sugar, bacteria, and acid break down the
enamel, resulting in a cavity. Once the enamel wears away, it does not grow
back. Fluoride treatments can help strengthen the tooth enamel.
Why is it important to protect primary teeth from cavities?
Even though a child’s primary teeth will eventually fall out, it remains
important to protect them from cavities. The primary teeth play an important
role in chewing and speaking and holding a space open for developing permanent
teeth. Losing primary teeth too early can result in improper development of the
jaw and bones and lead to dental crowding issues.
How long will a filling last?
The longevity of a filling depends on the material chosen and the patient’s
treatment of it. While fillings do not last forever, they can last longer with
the proper care and maintenance. Kids should have regular dental check-ups so
our team can check the status of their fillings and whether they need replacing.
Why is it important to save permanent teeth with cavity
It is important to save permanent teeth from cavities because nothing appears,
feels, or works as well as the natural tooth. Treating a kid’s natural tooth and
saving it allows them to maintain their mouth and jaw’s natural structure for
continued normal usage. Our team provides cavity treatment for kids to save
primary and permanent teeth.