Pediatric dental services include hygiene and educational services, general checkups, emergency services, preventative services, and more. By caring for your child’s oral health early on in life, you can set them up on the path for success in the future. Pediatric dental services are essential for your child’s overall health.
Pediatric dental services are available at Precision Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry in Reston and the surrounding area. Get your child started off on the right foot. Call us today at (703) 783-1489 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.
Pediatric dentists are not just dentists who work on kids. They have special qualifications and training to specialize in children’s oral health from infancy to adulthood. As such, they understand how to care for a patient’s gums, teeth, and mouth throughout each stage of childhood.
Accordingly, pediatric dentists also understand how to make dental hygiene concepts accessible to young patients. A pediatric dentist can provide both parents and children with habit counseling — for instance; they can help break cycles of thumbsucking and prolonged pacifier use. They can also help introduce good oral health habits into a child’s routine.
“A pediatric dentist can provide both parents and children with habit counseling…”
General Pediatric Dental Checkup Services
Regular dental exams are a critical part of children’s preventative health care routines. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association recommend scheduling a child’s first dental exam either after the eruption of their first tooth or by their first birthday — whichever one comes first.
Most children should see the dentist every six months, though some patients may require more frequent visits. It is all dependent on each child’s unique needs. Each patient is different, and so is each dental checkup. After the exam, the pediatric dentist will discuss the state of the child’s oral health and any preventative measures that can improve and protect it.
“Each patient is different, and so is each dental checkup.”
Pediatric Dental Emergency Services
Accidents happen — sometimes even when taking all possible precautions. A pediatric dentist can treat a dental emergency and save a child from premature tooth loss. Some common pediatric dental emergencies include, but are not limited to:
Bitten tongue or lip
Cracked tooth
Knocked out tooth
Objects stuck in the mouth
Contrary to popular belief, primary teeth (also known as baby teeth or deciduous teeth) are just as important as permanent teeth. Since they effectively act as placeholders for the adult teeth, anything that affects the baby teeth can negatively affect the eruption of the adult teeth. Pediatric dental emergencies require immediate treatment, or parents run the risk of having their child have major (and potentially costly) dental problems in the future.
“Contrary to popular belief, primary teeth (also known as baby teeth or deciduous teeth) are just as important as the permanent teeth.”
Preventative dental services should begin as soon as a child’s first tooth erupts. This suite of services identifies any potential problems before they have the chance to get worse — and, usually, more costly to fix. Pediatric preventative dental services typically include:
Fluoride applications
Identifying related health issues
Promotion of good dental health habits
Referrals to other specialists as needed
Regular teeth cleanings and oral exams
Routine X-rays
“Preventative dental services can (and should) begin as soon as a child’s first tooth erupts.”
With recent advancements in dental technology, painful pediatric dentistry is now a thing of the past. Diagnostic and imaging tools allow for early cavity detection, making treatment easier, faster, less invasive, and more affordable. It is often even enough to preserve the baby tooth and allow it to fall out on its own, preventing premature tooth loss.
Painless injection systems and techniques can also improve the overall patient experience. Not even a shot needs to be a source of fear anymore. We utilize various dental technologies to keep our patients happy and relaxed in the dentist’s chair.
“We utilize various forms of dental technology to keep our patients happy and relaxed in the dentist’s chair.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why should I take my child to a pediatric dentist instead of a family dentist?
A. Pediatric dentists are specially trained and qualified to treat all aspects of children’s oral health through each stage of childhood. In addition to completing dental school, they must successfully undergo a two- to three-year residency training in pediatric dentistry. Family dentists do not have such specialization.
Q. Is it bad for my child to suck their thumb or use a pacifier?
A. Thumbsucking and pacifier use are typically only a problem when they go on for a long period. Most children will stop these habits on their own by the age of three. If this is not the case for your child, a mouth appliance may be necessary.
Q. Can I prevent tooth decay caused by nursing?
A. Yes. Do not nurse your child to sleep, and only put water in their bedtime bottle. Learn how to brush and floss their teeth properly, and take them to the pediatric dentist regularly.
Q. When should my child start using toothpaste?
A. It is always appropriate for your child to use toothpaste. You should clean your child’s gums with a soft infant toothbrush or cloth and water starting at birth. Use a tiny smudge of fluoride toothpaste to brush the teeth twice daily with a soft, appropriately-sized toothbrush.
Q. How do dental sealants work?
A. Dental sealants fill in any crevasses on the teeth’s chewing surfaces. This blocks out any food particles that might get caught in the teeth and cause cavities. Dental sealants can protect teeth for several years.
Get the Care Your Family Deserves
By visiting us as soon as possible, our team can help get you the professional treatment you need. Instead of waiting around and allowing the symptoms to get worse, we can provide you with treatment options.
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Call Us Today
Ensure your child’s health with the right pediatric dentist. Let our team at Precision Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry help. Call us today at 703-783-1489 to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services.
If you live in the Reston area, call 703-783-1489 for an appointment in our Reston office.
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